Arab medicine

(980 - 1037):

"Canon medicinae"
(The Canon of Medicine)


"Epilepsy is a disease which prevents those organs affected from using the senses, moving and walking upright.

And this is caused by a blockage. Usually it is a general seizure, caused by some damage, which affects the front cerebral ventricle, [...] and it is impossible for the person affected to remain standing upright."

  • Correct statement:
  • Crisis epilépticas originate in the brain and often lead to loss of upright posture (falling) and "impairment of the senses" (e.g. twilight states or unconsciousness).
  • Incorrect statement:
  • Crisis epilépticas are caused "mechanically" by a blockage and are localised in the front cerebral ventricle.
    (Correct: Epileptic seizures are the result of a stimulation disturbance in the cerebral nerve cells.)
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Museo alemán de epilepsia en Kork