Introduction | History | Diagnosis | Therapy | Art | Famous People |
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German Epilepsie Museum Kork Oberdorfstraße 8, D-77694 Kehl-Kork, Germany open Sundays 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. or by arrangement email: |
Introduction |
What is epilepsy? |
Epileptic seizures |
Types of epilepsy |
Causes of epilepsy |
Therapy |
Consequences |
History |
The History of Epilepsy |
The Disease with 1000 Names |
Institutions for people with epilepsy |
People with epilepsy during the Nazi regime |
Diagnosis |
... in der Antike |
moderne Diagnostik |
Therapy |
... in der Antike |
... im Mittelalter |
... ab der Renaissancezeit |
Art |
Votivtafeln |
religiöse Kunstwerke |
weitere Werke |
Epilepsiemotive in der Belletristik |
Famous People |
Einleitung |
Galerie |
Kommentar |
Emergency therapy (Instructions for the layman) Sensible measures: - Move the patient away from danger zones (e.g. traffic, sharp objects and edges) - Loosen chlothing, especially around the neck - Place the patient on his side to avoid aspiration - Stay calm and observe the course of the attack attentively - Check your watch: Duration of attack? Superfluous measures: |
After consultation with the doctor: the patient should be given drug treatment if the seizures continue for more than 2 minutes: Diazepam rectal® (5mg and 10mg rectal tubes). Action usually takes effect after 2-3 min - Babies > 4 months: 5 mg - Infants > 15 kg body weight: 10 mg - School children: 10-20 mg - Adults: 20-30 mg If neffective, i.e. if the convulsions continue or there es a renewed attack, this dose may be repeated after 5-10 minutes at the earliest. In such cases, always call an ambulance and inform relatives. Schneble: Vademecum Antiepilepticum 2005/2006 |
About the museum | Access | Discovery of the Day | Library |
How to react to a seizure |